Mike Rowbottom: Goodbye Gebrselassie - the greatest by smiles

Mike Rowbottom

So Haile Gebrselassie is no longer involved in competitive athletics. The 42-year-old Ethiopian phenomenon, who announced his retirement after last weekend's Great Manchester Run, has won two Olympic and eight world titles. He has earned victory in 11 major marathons. And he has set 27 world records on track and road.

Michael Pavitt: Actions will speak louder the words as FIFA attempts to tackle discrimination

Michael Pavitt

It is often said that actions speak louder than words.

The phrase seems extremely apt when it comes to FIFA’s approach to dealing with the problem of discrimination and racism at football matches. Granted, tackling the problem is no quick fix and naturally it would be difficult for FIFA to police crowds at matches across the world. However, I can’t help be feel they should be doing more to tackle the problem.

Nick Butler: Chelyabinsk - Home of nuclear spills, falling meteors and changing times for Mr Vizer

Nick Butler

Chelyabinsk, the latest stop on the Olympic Movement's recent Russian tour, is a city in the Southern Urals most interesting for two rather unusual historical happenings. The first, over half a century ago in 1957, was a nuclear spillage at nearby Ozyorsk rated as history’s worst until Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima in 2011. This was followed in February 2013 by the falling of a meteor close to the city, the light of which was reportedly brighter than the sun.

David Owen: Twitter and the art of sports electioneering

David Owen

It being general election week here in the United Kingdom, I thought it would be a good time to take a look at the two high-profile electoral battles currently being waged in the world of sport, via the medium of the candidates’ Twitter feeds.

Not because I judge this likely to offer great insights into the identity of the eventual winners: the sports officials in whose hands the outcomes lie are assuredly far too high-minded to be swayed by anything as trivial as social media.

Philip Barker: Before Eurovision came the great contest for an Olympic Anthem

Philip  Barker

A fortnight before the first European Games in Baku, a popular event which has become an institution in Europe will be held for the 60th time.

Back in 1955 at a meeting in Monaco, representatives of national television stations on the continent decided to start launch a Eurovision Song Contest. That year, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) held a contest of its own to find the definitive Olympic music and a man from Monaco, Prince Pierre, was its most enthusiastic supporter.

Despite the best efforts of some distinguished music makers, finding a universal Olympic hymn in the preceding quarter century had proved impossible.

Nick Butler: Defence the way to go as "boring" Mayweather and Chelsea prove dominant

Nick Butler

There was a mad idea at insidethegames at the weekend to set our alarms for 4am and find somewhere to watch the Floyd Mayweather Jnr-Manny Pacquiao fight before travelling on to the office for a day of work. Considering a distinct lack of sleep the night before, I’m not sure how this would have ended and, with the plan eventually abandoned due to a total lack of places in the area showing the fight, I don’t feel I missed too much.

Michael Pavitt: Commonwealth Games Federation relying on marriage of convenience with Durban 2022

Michael Pavitt

The last thing I expected when being driven back to Durban’s King Shaka airport following the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) Evaluation Commission’s four-day visit was to be questioned by my taxi driver about the political situation in Britain, ahead of the country’s General Election on Thursday (May 7).

After providing an over-complicated run-down of how Britain’s political system works, I explained that when the ballot papers are counted and a result is announced it is anticipated another coalition Government will form, with either David Cameron or Ed Miliband in charge.

Effectively a marriage of convenience.

Mike Rowbottom: Familiarity breeding content in Nassau as IAAF World Relays return

Mike Rowbottom

The athletics world is limbering up for an event which brought a new dimension to the sport last year, and which promises to create another colourful splash of entertainment and excitement over the weekend.

We are talking, clearly, about the World Relays, the format which so amply rewarded the International Association of Athletics Federations for creating it as a main season-opener to their calendar last year.