Mike Rowbottom: Running through the baby barrier

Mike Rowbottom
Mike Rowbottom ©insidethegamesCan you imagine the fuss if men had to put up with what women put up with?

I'm talking about babies, although it could be other things. But babies- that is, having them (not making them, any fool can do that).

Talking to British athlete and mother-of-two Jo Pavey in the Letzigrund Stadium on Tuesday night, half-an-hour or so after she had won her first big track gold at the age of 40, I couldn't help wondering how a male athlete would have coped with the physical and mental demands that had been made on her in the months leading to the European Championships currently underway here.

(Not that we will ever be able to know. I get that. For some reason I am recalling something which happened shortly after my wife had given birth to our first child - a nurse popped her head round the door and said: "You look like you need a cup of tea." She was talking to me.)

Pavey is and always has been the most down-to-earth of athletes, without a shred of self importance. As she spoke about her preparations for this season, she enumerated with the odd burst of laughter the difficulties she had encountered on her route to a golden success in the 10,000 metres which followed the accruing of a Commonwealth bronze medal over 5,000m just 10 days earlier.

Jo Pavey, Britain's 40-year-old mother-of-two, celebrates her European 10,000m title in Zurich ©Getty ImagesJo Pavey, Britain's 40-year-old mother-of-two, celebrates her European 10,000m title in Zurich ©Getty Images

"It's funny. I don't know how I've done it really," she said, with more than a trace of wonder in her Devonian voice.

She added that the most difficult time for her had been having so little time to prepare for the European trials after the birth of her daughter Emily 10 months ago.

"I was still breast-feeding in April, but I had to be ready to run on May 10 and I just didn't know if I could do it. That was really difficult. My times in training were really terrible, and I felt so tired. I was just lying on the floor feeling exhausted! It was like I was running with weights on me, but now they have all been lifted off. I think being in that state probably got me really fit because I found it really hard to run fast but I was still putting the effort in."

Pavey added that she had had an even harder time getting back to fitness after the birth of her son Jacob four year ago, when both she and her newborn were unwell and required stays in hospital.

But as her form and general demeanour has made utterly clear in the space of the past month, Pavey has come through the challenges a happier, stronger and - she believes, crucially - a more relaxed person and athlete.

Paula Radcliffe poses with her young daughter Isla after winning the 2007 New York Marathon title ©AFP/Getty ImagesPaula Radcliffe poses with her young daughter Isla after winning the 2007 New York Marathon title ©AFP/Getty Images

It is a pattern that has become familiar in female distance running.

World marathon record holder Paula Radcliffe, who gave birth to her first child in 2007, went on to win the New York City Marathon that year - and indeed the following year.

In so doing, she followed a template set by her predecessor as a high-achieving British distance runner. In the summer of 1991, less than a year after giving birth to her first child, Eilish, Liz McColgan won the 10,000m title at the IAAF World Championships in Tokyo.

"I was three-and-a-half months pregnant before I knew that I was pregnant and I was training a100 odd miles a week," McColgan recalled in The Independent in 1995. "I trained right up until I had her. I think it was about the week before I had her I was out for a run and I took a really sore stomach and I said, 'Well, that's nature telling you stop running,' so I stopped running then..."

Not for long, however - within 11 days of giving birth McColgan was back on a three-mile training run.

Liz McColgan earns the world 10,000m title in 1991, less than a year after having her first child ©Getty ImagesLiz McColgan earns the world 10,000m title in 1991, less than a year after having her first child ©Getty Images

Two months ago Alysia Montano, who ran the 800m for the United States at the London 2012 Olympics, created some waves by taking part in the United States Track & Field Championships Championships in Sacramento when she was eight-and-a-half months pregnant.

"I know there is a lot of stigma and really, the word is ignorance, behind pregnant women and exercising," Montano told CBS LA after the race. "And the truth is, it's good for the mom and the baby."

Medical advice has been that expectant mothers at such a stage in their pregnancy should continue to exercise at the level they are used to.

Alysia Montano competes in this year's USTAF championship 800m while eight-and-a-half-months pregnant ©Getty ImagesAlysia Montano competes in this year's USTAF championship 800m while eight-and-a-half-months pregnant ©Getty Images

Not every mother feels moved to drive themselves back to competition in the manner of Pavey, Radcliffe or McColgan. Earlier this year Cydonie Mothersill of the Cayman Islands decided not to defend her 200m title at the Glasgow 2014 having given birth to her first child 10 months earlier. Her decision followed that of 35-year-old Scottish 400m specialist Lee McConnell, who had a child in November of last year and decided not to try and return to the track in time to compete at this summer's Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.

It's a tough call. But then mothers are tough aren't they?

Mike Rowbottom, one of Britain's most talented sportswriters, covered the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics as chief feature writer for insidethegames, having covered the previous five summer Games, and four winter Games, for The Independent. He has worked for the Daily Mail, The Times, The Observer, The Sunday Correspondent and The Guardian. His latest book Foul Play – the Dark Arts of Cheating in Sport (Bloomsbury £8.99) is available at the insidethegames.biz shop. To follow him on Twitter click here.

Emily Goddard: Taking over the reins at the FEI

Emily Goddard
Emily GoddardEquestrian sport has for the past 18 years been in the privileged position of consistently having a leader who is also an International Olympic Committee (IOC) member. However, short of an existing IOC member coming in and taking over the reins - so to speak, that all looks set to change following Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein's monumental announcement yesterday that she will not run for a third term as President of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI).

When she steps down in December, her successor will be appointed, but at the time of writing only one candidate has come forward - Pierre Genecand, who, although as President of the Gstaad Polo Club and the Hublot Polo Gold Cup occupies a somewhat significant position in the equestrian world, lacks the coveted title of IOC member enjoyed by 105 of the world's sporting heavyweights.

So how will the FEI fare without the Jordanian Princess?

First things first, it must be said that the move has come as something of a surprise after the FEI members voted overwhelmingly earlier this year to amend the body's statutes to allow Princess Haya to stay in office for a further stint by changing the two, four-year term rule for Presidents that she herself had introduced when she was first elected in 2006.

Despite being "humbled" by the gesture and support, she maintains that she remains "committed to a term limit, and that commitment still weighs heavily on me".

Other factors were, however, at play in the decision making process - one being the natural need to be there for her family and the other being her commitment to her humanitarian work, which at this time of unrest in the Middle East is perhaps now more vital than ever.

Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein has held the most powerful position in horse sport since 2006 ©AFP/Getty ImagesPrincess Haya Bint Al Hussein has held the most powerful position in horse sport since 2006 ©AFP/Getty Images

One issue that was definitely not behind her decision, she insists, is the small matter of endurance riding, which has over the years become embroiled in a string of scandals, even the thoroughbred and endurance racing operations run by her husband, Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, were implicated in doping and welfare allegations.

"Endurance played no role at all in my decision and it hasn't despite what people like to think," Princess Haya said. "It hasn't played a role in my Presidency really in the last four years. I've been very, very well supported by the Executive Board and the first vice-president [Briton John McEwen] and the integrity unit have all taken on all matters to do with endurance.

"I have done everything by the book. I sleep very well at night. My decision had nothing to do with that and if it had, it would have been a decision I would have made four years ago and not announcing today. I can say that with all clarity."

In a conference call with journalists yesterday, Princess Haya joked that it would not be for her "to name an heir", but she did admit that she believes there are people who are capable of leading the FEI probably better than she ever did and thinks they will come forward as candidates now her announcement has been made.

"A person with integrity and good knowledge of the sport is easy to find, and that is what I believe is needed, no more than that," she claims. But her successor will also need to come with a sound business mind, as they will follow in the footsteps of a President who in her eight years in the role has brokered multimillion-dollar sponsorship deals for the governing body.

The long-running endurance crisis even saw Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum temporarily banned following failed doping tests ©Getty ImagesThe long-running endurance crisis even saw Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum temporarily banned following failed doping tests ©Getty Images

But does the next leader need to be an IOC member? No, according to Princess Haya, partly because of the FEI Olympic Council, which was developed earlier this year to create a permanent liaison between the FEI and the members of the Olympic Family.

"I don't believe the influence of the equestrian family rests on my shoulders alone or should ever logically rest on the influence of one person, that would very much undermine what I said to be the values of the Olympic family and of sport in general," she said. "We have created an Olympic Council, not only to preserve our place in the Games but also to allow us to be in touch with those members who are members of our sport and to help them to understand the changes that are happening in our sport.

"The Olympic Council will hopefully be there for all eternity and that's something that will allow us to take pride in our place in the Olympic family and to ensure that if there is a President of the FEI that is not an IOC member there will be voices within the IOC from our sport. The IOC membership [or lack thereof] should not stop the forward march of the FEI."

In these uncertain times and with the rise of IOC President Thomas Bach's Olympic Agenda 2020, one cannot help but think the security blanket of a President who is also an IOC member would be invaluable to help protect the future of a sport and its disciplines on the Games programme, particularly one that is so exceptionally costly for host cities to stage.

The FEI Olympic Council was developed earlier this year to create a permanent liaison between the FEI and the IOC ©Getty ImagesThe FEI Olympic Council was developed earlier this year to create a permanent liaison between the FEI and the IOC ©Getty Images

Whether any other equestrian figures come forward as FEI Presidential candidates before the September 1 deadline has yet to be seen. Prodding by insidethegames failed to uncover if McEwen has indicated any interest in the post but one thing Princess Haya is hoping for is that the next leader "will have a very easy job".

"I always said that I wanted to make myself redundant and that would be the biggest benchmark to judge success and then I would have known that I have done a good job," she said. "When I was elected everyone was saying, 'This federation has always been lead by a person with a title'.

"But what I want to ensure is that the best qualified person can come and that they don't have to have a strong financial background and they don't have to have the contacts and really what they have to do is be able to uphold the confidence of our community and our sport. That's what would make me happy."

Emily Goddard is a reporter and subeditor at insidethegames. To follow her on Twitter click here.

Alan Hubbard: Frank Maloney's sex change decision and what it tells us about the sports world

Alan HubbardEven by the bizarre standards of boxing's tales of the unexpected, the news that the veteran fight promoter Frank Maloney has undergone gender re-assignment and from now on is a woman known as Kellie Maloney ranks among the biggest shocks the sport has delivered. You could have knocked the fight fraternity down with a feather, let alone a right-hander.

I suppose the only more gob-smacking situation might have been if it was one of boxing's other famous Franks, Bruno or Warren, who had changed sex. Or that in the United States Don King was now Donna King.

Some very odd things happen in boxing - probably more so than in any other sport. But nothing could have prepared us for the sight in a Sunday tabloid newspaper of one of the toughest figures in the most macho business of all wearing a blonde wig and a dress and declaring: "I have always know that I was a woman."

Kellie Maloney, formerly Frank Maloney, said she has always known she was a woman ©Getty ImagesKellie Maloney, formerly Frank Maloney, said she has always known she was a woman
©Getty Images

I confess I have not been as stunned since one lunchtime back in 1971 when a group of us attending the first Ali-Frazier fight were asked at the weigh-in by the wonderfully laconic PR of Madison Square Garden, John X F Condon, if we wanted to meet the screen superstar Burt Lancaster, one of the ringside commentators.

Burt Lancaster? One of my celluloid heroes. Eagerly we agreed and as we approached  the iconic butch idol of Trapeze, From Here to Eternity and countless other smash hit movies turned towards us, he was wearing mascara, lipstick and his cheeks were rouged. "Hi Guys," he simpered.  "Don't ya just love their muscles!"

One of our number, the late Cockney commentator Reg Gutteridge gasped: "F*** me! He's an iron!" (iron hoof - rhyming slang for poof).

Some weeks later Lancaster, thrice-married father of five, was arrested in Hollywood wearing women's clothes and kit and it was revealed he was bisexual and a transvestite.

Thankfully times and attitudes have changed, which may be why Kellie Maloney's  "coming out" has been received with far more sympathy and understanding than opprobrium.

I had got wind of the story on Saturday morning and phoned Maloney to ask if the rumours were true.

The response was polite but guardedly negative. "I don't know anything about it," was the quietly repeated answer.

From the the hesitant tone I guessed there was something in it and subsequently, after the story broke exclusively in the Sunday Mirror, Maloney texted me to say: "Sorry for lying to you but I had no choices they (the Sunday Mirror) did not want me to say anything. I have been living in hell for years but finally found inner peace but I do miss boxing. It was what kept me going."

Kellie Maloney spoke exclusively to the Sunday Mirror about her gender re-assignment ©Sunday MirrorKellie Maloney spoke exclusively to the Sunday Mirror about her gender re-assignment ©Sunday Mirror

As it happened, a disillusioned Maloney had walked away from boxing after 30 years last October following the brutal scrapping of his deal with Sky TV and the shock demise of his previously unbeaten Liverpool heavyweight David Price, one of several ex-Olympic stars with whom he had been associated. Price was ko'd twice in succession by ageing American Tony Thompson.

In the ensuing months it has transpired that the cheekly chappie from  Del Boy country in Peckham south London, has undergone hormone  treatment and therapy to change, at 61, from Frank to Kellie.

No-one had seen this coming, and we could be excused for wrongly thinking it was another outrageous publicity stunt pulled by someone who has been a master of this particular art.

Diminutive as he is at 5ft 4in, the ex-apprentice jockey and one time prospective Catholic priest has always been one of boxing's larger than  life characters. But the fact he was haunted by demons over a lifelong identity crisis was something no-one guessed.

I had always known him as very much a ladies' man-twice married, a father of three daughters, and a grandfather.

But his secret life and desires apparently stretched back well before he promoted the Olympic champion Lennox Lewis, in the early 1990s, taking him to the world title - the first British heavyweight champion in a Little and Large doubt act with Maloney always at his side in his trademark Union Jack suit.

Lennox Lewis (right) has said he respects the decision of his former promoter, now known as Kellie Maloney ©Getty ImagesLennox Lewis (right) has said he respects the decision of his former promoter, now known as Kellie Maloney ©Getty Images

When he heard the news Lewis said: "I was just as shocked as anyone at the news about my former promoter and my initial thought was that it was a wind up.

"The great thing about life, and boxing, is that, day to day, you never know what to expect. This world we live in isn't always cut and dried or black and white, and coming from the boxing fraternity, I can only imagine what a difficult decision this must be.

"However, having taken some time to read Kellie's statements, I understand better what she, and others in similar situations are going through. I think that all people should be allowed to live their lives in a way that brings them harmony and inner peace.

"I respect Kellie's decision and say that if this is what brings about true happiness in her life, then so be it. #LiveAndLetLive."

In the past five years Maloney has suffered a ringside heart attack,  a suicide attempt, the death of his father and the discovery of arguably his last great fighting acquisition, Irishman Darren Sutherland, like Price an Olympic bronze medallist from Beijing, whom he found hanged in a south London bedsit in 2009. Maloney never really recoverd from the shock.

One of the most surprising aspects in the strange affair - almost as jaw-dropping as Maloney's own sexual transition - is the reaction from people in boxing. You would have expected it to be one of cyncism, disbelief or total derision.

But no. What Lewis has said is typical of a sport which, though intrinsically male-dominated, did not turn a hair when Nicola Adams, the first woman to win and Olympic boxing gold medal, confirmed she was bisexual, a revelation that has not harmed her career one iota.

Boxing has been both supportive and understanding. Certainly more so   than had Maloney been a famous football figure. Imagine the reaction from football fans had Sir Alex Ferguson announced he was now Dame Alexis Ferguson, or Wayne Rooney had become Waynetta!

Actually,Maloney has always been a Millwall supporter. At York Hall or any of boxing's other famous arenas, Kellie Maloney probably would receive a standing ovation should she walk into the arena.

Frank Maloney, pictured celebrating David Price's win over Audley Harrison in 2012, is being supported by the boxing community ©Getty ImagesFrank Maloney, pictured celebrating David Price's win over Audley Harrison in 2012, is being supported by the boxing community ©Getty Images

I doubt the reaction would be quite the same down at The Den if  Maloney, in high heels and a skirt, was spotted in the stands.

Inevitably there are jokes, smutty and otherwise, doing the rounds on social media. Someone tweeted that Kellie was back in business as a promoter and had made a purse offer - a Luis Vuitton.

But Maloney is big enough, in temperament if not stature, to rise above them.

Maloney now wants to return to the boxing scene as Kellie, advising young fighters. Why not? If she also wanted to to be a promoter again there would be no problem. Seven women already hold Board of Control promoters' licences.

As well as spending 30 years in boxing, Maloney has also dabbled in politics, standing for Ukip in Barking at the 2010 General Election and in the London Mayoral election in 2004, when he finished fourth to Ken Livingstone.

During his campaign for London Mayor in 2004, Frank Maloney was accused of making homophobic remarks ©Getty Images During his campaign for London Mayor in 2004, Frank Maloney was accused of making homophobic remarks ©Getty Images

Yet I once reminded him that during his Mayoral election bid he was accused of making remarks that were deemed homophobic. His response was interesting in the light of what has now transpired. "I don't think gays do a lot for society...I don't want to see gay policemen walking hand in hand...I'd ban gay pride marches. Yeah, I said certain things about gays but to quote [US promoter] Bob Arum, 'then I was lying, today I am telling the truth'.

"I have looked at everything I said and I know it will come out of the woodwork, but I was inexperienced then and I suppose I just wanted to make people know I was there. It was very silly and in boxing, of course, as a promoter, you often say something outrageous to get publicity. What I said was wrong, I don't have a problem with gay people but I hold my hands up and say I am against same-sex marriages and same-sex parents, I won't change my view on that.

"If you're gay, you're gay. It's not an issue with me. Those remarks were a little bit stupid. I've grown up since then. Once I get out there and start talking to people, they will get to know me because I am quite a warm personality. I will argue my corner and I love solving problems."

That was then. This is now. As we say, times change, as do people. We await the book, the film and the TV spin-offs.

"I've not had a brain transplant," says Maloney." I'm like a chocolate bar and all I am doing is changing the outer wrapping that God got wrong at birth."

Sex changes may be unprecedented among boxing personalities, but there have been a number of gay boxers, including two world champions Emile Griffith and Orlando Cruz, and it has been estimated that at least two dozen of the competitors in the 2012 Olympics were gay.

And after the Gay Gordons in Glasgow, the Gay Games, featuring 7,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender athletes, have begun in Cleveland, Ohio.

Neither of the openly gay English Commonwealth Games gold medallists - Nicola Adams and Tom Daley - are competing. Nor is ex-Aussie swimmer Ian Thorpe, the latest big name to "come out" attending, as he did in Glasgow as a TV pundit.

But America's highest-profile gay athlete, footballer Michael Sam of the St Louis Rams, will feature in a video urging people to take part in the groundbreaking study into homophobia in sport.

Like Kellie - nee Frank - Maloney, the world of sport is changing. For the better.

Alan Hubbard is an award-winning sports columnist for The Independent on Sunday and a former sports editor of The Observer. He has covered a total of 16 Summer and Winter Games, 10 Commonwealth Games, several football World Cups and world title fights from Atlanta to Zaire.

Nick Butler: Why to bid for the Olympics - a Chinese view

Nick Butler
Nick ButlerOne of the drawbacks of covering the Olympic Movement in the detail we do is that you tend to cover the same themes, or in our case pander out the same lines, over and over again.

Among the most common topics in recent months has been the ambivalence surrounding bidding for major events in a time of economic unease, with the fragmented race for the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics a perfect example.

The most vocal criticism - by quite some margin - has come in Norway. Oslo remains one of the three Candidates in the race, although if the latest polls are anything to go by, this is against the wishes of a distinct majority of the population. And if the increasingly resentful nature of the comments we receive on our stories every time the fabled phrase "Oslo 2022" is used are anything to go by, this sentiment is only going to grow and grow as the moment for the Norwegian Government to decide whether to support the bid draws nearer.

Although the specifically anti-International Olympic Committee (IOC) nature of this criticism, which I rather rashly described as "hysterical" in a recent article, is unusual, the basis of these complaints is replicated elsewhere.

The 2022 bids from Stockholm and Kraków were withdrawn predominantly for this very reason, while attempts from St Moritz/Davos and Munich did not even get over the start-line after failing referendums to be launched.

With several German cities, as well as Rome and Paris, being mooted as potential bidders for the 2024 Summer edition, it will be a theme that continues to run.

It is also something relevant in areas outside of Western Europe, from villages upset by construction in Sochi, to residents of Tokyo furious about the overly-extravagant proposals for the new National Stadium, to vast multitudes spilling onto the streets of Brazil in opposition to spending for sporting events being prioritised over pressing socio-economic concerns.

Dark clouds are looming over Oslo's 2022 Winter Olympic bid as with many others throughout the Western world ©AFP/Getty ImagesDark clouds are looming over Oslo's 2022 Winter Olympic bid as with many others throughout the world ©AFP/Getty Images

In other parts of the world, where sport is seen as a way to propel a country into the global imagination, these concerns do not exist in the same way. This is particularly the case in the Middle East and ex-Soviet sphere where various countries are becoming increasing influential players in the global sporting stakes. One of the reasons why there is less opposition here is the nature of societies in these places, with less opportunity and motivation for the public to protest.

Another country where this is the case is China, with Nanjing the location for the Summer Youth Olympic Games starting in just five days time and Beijing one of the two other contenders in the 2022 race. An opinion poll commissioned in January 2014 by the Beijing 2022 Bid Committee showed that 92 per cent of the residents of Beijing support the bid and a whopping 99.5 per cent do in the neighbouring city of Zhangjiakou, where snow sports would take place.

What Oslo would give for even half this enthusiasm...

Yet when examining the new Beijing 2022 website over the weekend, my attention was grabbed by an article, written by Takung Sports analyst, Yang Hua, that put to bed many of these misconceptions that opinions in China are actually very different from those elsewhere.

Hua first points out that the accuracy of the aforementioned polls have been questioned, unsurprisingly, with views expressed on the internet far less positive. 

He writes: "In summary, these opinions centre around doubts that hosting the Games would waste money, disturb people, and provide opportunities for corruption. Populists argue that money should be spent on health care, housing, education, pension, and unemployment to improve social welfare. In the meantime, nationalists believe that China should build a few carriers to defend its maritime safety against Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines."

The Youth Olympics in Nanjing will be another way to showcase China's ability to host major events ©Nanjing 2014The Youth Olympics in Nanjing will be another way to showcase China's ability to host major events ©Nanjing 2014

Hua also admits that some major events can be "vanity projects burning a hole in the country's budget" and others can be ruined by scandals, "such as the corruption case related to the Shenzhen 2011 Universiade".

But he then leaps to the defence of Beijing 2022, arguing how events should be considered on a case by case basis, and "because the Beijing-Zhangjiakou bid for the Olympic Winter Games is monitored by the highest authorities including President Xi Jinping," these fears are unfounded. Hosting the Games would also "speed up infrastructure projects in Hebei, slow down population increase in Beijing, and thoroughly improve air quality", it is claimed.

On a more general level, some events such as the Summer and Winter Olympics and the FIFA World Cup are among the top sporting brands of the world, so hosting them "significantly boosts tourism, stimulates domestic demand, reduces unemployment, and cultivates a great sports culture".

On these grounds, he argues, opposing the Games for the sake of opposing it can be compared to "an ostrich that sticks its head to the sand to avoid reality". He concludes with the question: "Why would the Chinese not show the confidence and courage to host an edition of the Olympic Winter Games that is transparent and highly efficient, and benefits generations to come?"

Although the case of Oslo 2022 is different - I do not think Norway is unduly bothered by rival territorial claims on its 1,190 odd fjords, for example - other themes seem rather similar and, in my opinion, this is a very interesting addition to the debate on why bidding for the Olympics can be a good thing. 

Redefining bid processes is indeed a key topic in the IOC's ongoing Olympic Agenda 2020 reform process, and in particular, how to communicate the benefits to local populations is something being prioritised. 

The topic of bidding for major events is a key part of Olympic Agenda 2020 ©Getty ImagesThe topic of bidding for major events is a key part of Olympic Agenda 2020
©Getty Images

After the Olympic Summit in Lausanne last month, my colleague David Owen observed that allowing more "flexibility" for Olympic bid cities was a key desire, with candidate cities urged to focus on local legacy "from the very beginning of the bid procedure".

This was what London did so successfully and, while I'm not sure whether better presentation would radically alter the views of the anti-Oslo 2022 lobby, it may make a difference elsewhere, particularly when the success of recent events when they actually occur is considered, from London to Sochi via the FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

And one has only to look at the most recent major sporting event, the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, to see these obvious benefits, both for a Scottish nation striving for national self-confidence and for a city seeking both investment and publicity. 

We hope to see the same in Nanjing next week.

Nick Butler is a reporter for insidethegames. To follow him on Twitter click here.

David Owen: The fate of water polo shows that England Netball should be careful what it wishes for

David OwenEngland Netball has made serious strides in recent times.

Participation is up by 34 per cent in four years and some of the promotional initiatives outlined by Joanna Adams, the body's marketing and commercial director, to Members of Parliament on the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee are touched with genius.

But I couldn't help but chuckle on reading paragraph 10 of the written evidence the organisation submitted to that committee's recent inquiry into Women and Sport.

It said: "As a non-Olympic sport, netball does not qualify for funding or specialist support from UK Sport [Britain's elite sports funding body]; Sport England [the grass-roots agency] fund the whole sport.

"While we are grateful for Sport England financial support, we feel disadvantaged by not being able to access the specialist support provided by UK Sport.

"Arguably, this would enhance and potentially accelerate our mission to become world champions."

England Netball should be careful what it wishes for.

England's netball team failed to win a medal at Glasgow 2014 after losing the match for bronze against Jamaica ©Getty ImagesEngland's netball team failed to win a medal at Glasgow 2014 after losing the match for bronze against Jamaica ©Getty Images

If it was part of the UK Sport funding and performance system, there is a good chance it would be contemplating a likely reduction of the support it receives in the wake of the England team's failure to win a medal at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

A comparison with water polo - whose cause I have espoused in vain as it has lost all its elite performance funding, in spite of building an immensely promising women's team well-populated with potential role models - is instructive.

Water polo is, of course, an Olympic sport and, as such, is covered by a UK Sport high performance regime that, it is argued, puts team sports at a disadvantage in the line-up for Lottery cash.

It was announced last February by UK Sport that the £4.54 million ($7.53 million/€5.54 million) water polo had initially been awarded to see them through to the Rio 2016 Olympics had been redistributed to other sports.

"Water polo was among the sports that were not able to demonstrate they had a realistic chance of performing well within the top eight in Rio 2016 and targeting a medal performance in 2020," UK Sport said.

I'll spare readers another detailed run-through of why I think this is a lamentably short-sighted decision.

Great Britain's women's water polo squad has had its funding cut for not, according to UK Sport, showing future Olympic promise ©Getty ImagesGreat Britain's women's water polo squad has had its funding cut for not, according to UK Sport, showing future Olympic promise ©Getty Images

While water polo was not part of Glasgow 2014, around two months after that devastating funding announcement, in April, England's men's and women's water polo teams both took gold medals at their Commonwealth Championships in Aberdeen.

(The Scottish men took bronze for good measure.)

So, if water polo can take Commonwealth gold yet see its high performance funding disappear, will - or should - England Netball, having failed to make the Glasgow 2014 podium, suffer a cut in the £1.27 million ($2.13 million/€1.59 million) of high performance funding it received in 2013-2014 from Sport England?

Well, I don't think it has all that much to fear.

When I asked Sport England if netball's elite end award was subject to the same performance criteria as under UK Sport's "No Compromise" programme, it confirmed that it was not.

"We have agreed annual targets with each sport upon which the success of each programme is assessed," the grass-roots body told me.

As for whether netball should see its funding cut, while I would hate to see that happen (just as I think the water polo ruling was a mistake), it is hard equally to brush aside the argument that there should be consistency in the way individual sports are treated.

It is true that the netball team fares better in the world rankings: England lies third at the moment, against 12th for the Great Britain women's water polo team in the most up-to-date rankings I can find.

In a sport dominated by Commonwealth nations, England's netball team are ranked third ©Getty ImagesIn a sport dominated by Commonwealth nations, England's netball team are ranked third ©Getty Images

But elite netball is totally dominated by Commonwealth countries - you have to descend to Switzerland in joint 30th place to find a piece of territory that wasn't coloured pink on the map at one time or another, although in the case of the United States in 29th this pre-dated the age of international sport.

Women's water polo is played most competitively by the giants of Olympic competition - the US, Russia and China are ranked one, two and three; should the British team not get some sort of credit for this when comparisons are drawn between sports for funding allocation purposes?

The bottom-line is that both these activities are energetic, skilful, highly tactical team sports that are exciting to watch and could play important roles in persuading more women to adopt healthier, more active lifestyles to the benefit of everyone - and the national Exchequer.

If given the resources to compete effectively, whether as England or Great Britain - and we are talking probably no more than £3 million ($5 million/€3.7 million) a year between them - both high performance set-ups would produce self-confident, articulate, grounded individuals capable of acting as the best sort of sporting role models.

Unfortunately, it now seems that only one of them will be in a position to do this.

David Owen worked for 20 years for the Financial Times in the United States, Canada, France and the UK. He ended his FT career as sports editor after the 2006 World Cup and is now freelancing, including covering the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the 2010 World Cup and London 2012. Owen's Twitter feed can be accessed here.

Brian Oliver: Forget the scandals, weightlifting is actually a brilliant sport that deserves more publicity

Duncan Mackay
Brian Oliver head and shoulders ©Brian Oliver"The future of weightlifting as a core sport in the Commonwealth Games programme has again been thrown into doubt," reported the Press Association on July 29, the day when it was announced that Chika Amalaha of Nigeria had tested positive after winning the women's 53 kilogram gold medal at Glasgow 2014.

It will take a great deal more than that to knock weightlifting out of its place as one of the most important sports on the schedule. Of all 17 sports at Glasgow 2014, weightlifting was the most diverse.

Take the number of different countries on the podium, divide by the total number of medals awarded, and weightlifting pips boxing by one percentage point (- 36 per cent to 35 per cent. Compare that to gymnastics, diving, and swimming, for example, and it seems that some sports are redolent of the old Empire Games while others - weightlifting chief among them - is very much a sport of the modern Commonwealth.

It is a very modern sport all round, with loud music blaring throughout the action - except when the lifts are made, of course - and spectators urged to join in the party atmosphere. It is a very entertaining spectacle.

Weightlifting proved popular with everyone who saw it at Glasgow 2014 ©Getty ImagesWeightlifting proved popular with everyone who saw it at Glasgow 2014 ©Getty Images

Flags of all the competing nations adorned the venues for every sport, and those at the Clyde Auditorium were arguably the hardest to identify. Alongside England, Scotland, Australia, India and Canada were Niue, Nauru, Kiribati, Rwanda and the Solomon Islands. The breadth of the Commonwealth is covered, and many of the smaller nations and territories won medals.

You might think that watching weightlifters from Nauru and Kiribati battling it out, often with no contenders from the British or "old Empire" countries, might test the attention of the audience, especially with so many youngsters in the arena. You would be wrong. The crowd loved it, and it was easy to see why.

Weightlifting has a number of advantages over other sports. It is dramatic, spectacular, and can be -as it was in Glasgow - brilliantly presented by people who know how to put on a show. It lasts about two hours, it is fairly easy to follow, and most important of all there are medal ceremonies every day. While some sports wade through day after day of elimination matches before a grand finale, weightlifting has medals on offer all the way through.

"I was only there for about an hour and I absolutely loved it," said the press manager of one of the other sports at the SECC, the venue that hosted seven sports in Glasgow. I have never heard of a single person who, after watching weightlifting for the first time, was not very impressed. A "first-timer" friend of mine who works in horse racing came along with his partner one morning and, on his way out, bought tickets for the following day too.

Among those who were blown away by the experience in Glasgow were two of the people who played key roles in presenting the sport. Richard Mason, a Canadian radio announcer who married a weightlifter and became a top-level official, was employed as an announcer for the first time. He did such a good job in engaging the crowd and encouraging them to cheer every lift that he was interviewed by The Scotsman newspaper.

"It was a sporting spectacle, one that exceeded all my expectations," Mason said. "The sounds, the lights, the crowd engagement - it was phenomenal. A friend of mine who is a field hockey official came along and he just gushed about it. He was jealous of the show."

Zoe Smith's celebration at Glasgow 2014 after her victory in the 58 kilogram category made the English lifter front page news in Britain ©Getty ImagesZoe Smith's celebration at Glasgow 2014 after her victory in the 58 kilogram category made the English lifter front page news in Britain ©Getty Images

That show was put on by Greatbigevents, an Australian company who travel the world to give audiences a memorable experience in sport and entertainment. Ian Deeth was their man who interviewed people in the crowd and generally kept them happy during intervals and build-ups. He had never seen weightlifting before.

"It was absolutely incredible," he said. "A sport where athletes push their bodies to the limit, showcasing pure strength, but with a strong tactical element too. If it's presented well it's ideal for all the family. I loved it." His enthusiasm showed.

Among the athletes Deeth interviewed in the spectator seats was Dave Morgan, the Wales lifter who holds the all-sport record of winning gold at five different Commonwealth Games. Then there was Marcus Stephen, the Nauruan who, after winning multiple gold and silver in the 1990s, became President of his country. The Australian team featured a blind lifter who was led on to the stage, and a vicar's wife.

Zoe Smith's somersault on stage was spectacular, and she made the front page of The Sunday Times. The biggest character was David Katoatau, flag-bearer for Kiribati and their first ever medallist when he won the 105kg gold. He danced his way off stage and said there would be a two-week party back home.

Brian Oliver with David Katoatau after he had won Kiribati's first-ever Commonwealth Games gold medal with victory in the 105 kilogram category ©FacebookBrian Oliver with David Katoatau after he had won Kiribati's first-ever Commonwealth Games gold medal with victory in the 105 kilogram category ©Facebook

The sport is full of great characters, but it has its problems. One of them is letting the public know before the Games, rather than during them, that they should come and watch. There were plenty of big features on weightlifting in the British papers - John Goodbody, who probably knows more about the sport than any other mainstream writer, in The Sunday Times, Jonathan Liew in The Daily Telegraph, Andy Bull in The Guardian - and plentiful coverage in India and Australia, too. But the stars of the sport remain largely unknown, and gaining positive publicity is not one of weightlifting's strong points.

Negative stories are commonplace. There was the positive drugs test - and there are still far too many, with weightlifting running at about the same level of positives as cycling and boxing. There was an Australian who assaulted a Welshman in the Athletes' Village, and a Papua New Guinea lifter who was arrested for sexual misconduct, although he was subsequently cleared. Not the sort of stories weightlifting would want.

The International Weightlifting Federation - who were delighted with the way the sport was managed by Moira Lassen, of Canada, in Glasgow - would far rather tell the world about their stars. The endless drugs scandals of the 1970s and 1980s make their task difficult, even now. When the World Championships are staged in in Kazakhstan in November the remarkable Ilya Ilyin, the host nation's world record holder and double Olympic champion, deserves global publicity. But he is unlikely to get it.

Papua New Guinea's Dika Toua was upgraded to the gold medal in the 53 kilogram category after Nigerian winner Chika Amalaha failed a drugs test ©AFP/Getty ImagesPapua New Guinea's Dika Toua was upgraded to the gold medal in the 53 kilogram category after Nigerian winner Chika Amalaha failed a drugs test ©AFP/Getty Images

Amalaha's disqualification in Glasgow meant that Dika Toua of Papua New Guinea took the 53kg gold. She was the first woman ever to lift a barbell when women's weightlifting was introduced to the Olympic programme at Sydney 2000, and has been trying for Commonwealth gold for years.

Last Saturday (August 2) at the Athletes' Village, Toua was presented with her gold medal in front of all her team-mates, with a Scottish piper on hand and an appreciative crowd  to cheer her. On the same day it was announced that another Commonwealth athlete had tested positive: the 400 metres runner Amantle Montsho, from Botswana. Nobody suggested the future of athletics as a core sport in the Commonwealth Games was thrown into doubt.

Brian Oliver, author of '"The Commonwealth Games: Extraordinary Stories Behind the Medals", and a former sports editor of The Observer, was weightlifting media manager at London 2012 and Glasgow 2014

Patrick Nally: Glasgow points the way for new host cities

Patrick NallyWhen Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) President Prince Imran declared Glasgow's Games "the best ever", he was taking a leaf out of the book of former International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch, a consummate politician who knew that such statements played wonderfully well with the home crowd as well as setting down a challenge for the next hosts.

So when Gold Coast welcomes the Commonwealth in 2018 for the first Games under new CGF chief executive David Grevemberg, they know they have a lot to live up to.

Glasgow's Games were a triumph for the city, a tub thumping exercise for Scotland - a nation on the precipice of an independence referendum - and a massive shot in the arm for the Commonwealth Games after its difficulties in New Delhi last time out.

The Games ticked more or less every box for the host city and nation and for millions of spectators who packed stadia and arenas and lined the routes of cycling, marathon and triathlon events.

Come rain or shine, spectators packed the venues and roadsides to watch the sporting action ©Getty ImagesCome rain or shine, spectators packed the venues and roadsides to watch the sporting action ©Getty Images

It was all a long way from the last time that Scotland hosted the Games, in Edinburgh back in 1986. My company West Nally worked on the project to secure sponsorship funding to support the late publishing tycoon and fraudster Robert Maxwell's claims to save the Games from bankruptcy.

Those Games may have succeeded in their own way but at the time it seemed to many of us that the Commonwealth Games was a dead horse and that we were flogging it!

Glasgow staged the Games wisely and well. Its smart use of existing venues and careful legacy planning when new facilities were built is an example for others and the Games are sure to have inspired young Scots to make use of those facilities in the years to come.

But the impression I took from the Glasgow Games is that most of the impact and most of the benefit was strictly parochial. While acknowledging the lack of rigid science in my approach, I spoke to as many people - in particular younger people - as I could during the Games and asked them for their impressions. The vast majority said that despite massive media coverage and wall-to-wall free TV coverage - in the UK - it had simply passed them by.

The way the Games were staged was world class, the venues looked great, the atmosphere was outstanding and there were some great performances and great stories to be enjoyed. So why did the Games fail to register?

The Commonwealth Games may not be the best for sporting quality, but that is not really the point ©Getty ImagesThe Commonwealth Games may not be the best for sporting quality, but that is not really the point ©Getty Images

Maybe it's the simple fact that the only box Glasgow 2014 didn't tick was the quality of sport. The Commonwealth Games have a tremendous amount going for them but, by definition, they do not guarantee the best competitors and world class competition and that is never going to change.

The good news is that Glasgow showed other cities around the world exactly what can be achieved by hosting specialist multi-sports events like the Commonwealth Games. The success of hosting is measured by the way the host city achieves specific objectives, so perhaps it doesn't matter that youngsters in England were left unmoved by the whole thing. The Commonwealth Games is never going to deliver the global awareness and impact of the Olympics but that was never the plan. The Games achieved what they set out to achieve and did it without leaving the city skint for a generation.

Let's hope that Glasgow's success inspires not only a generation of Scottish youngsters to get involved in sport, but municipal authorities around the world to consider what can be achieved  by hosting multi sports events based on regional, linguistic and cultural affiliations and specific sports groupings.

The sports, media, commercial and municipal communities need to be thinking of new approaches to bidding and hosting events and Glasgow has proved there's tremendous value there for those who get it right.

Patrick Nally is chief executive of West Nally which is supporting UNESCO's MINEPS follow-up conference on Hosting Major Sports Events to be held in Paris on March 5 and 6 2015. To follow him on Twitter click here

Mike Rowbottom: The Great War which took Olympians past, and scarred those of the future

Mike Rowbottom
Mike Rowbottom ©ITGIn the Big Read currently up on the insidethegames site, Philip Barker details with customary thoroughness the Olympians who fell in the course of the First World War, the start of which has been commemorated this week, a century on from Great Britain's fateful declaration against Germany.

It is an immense, painful list. And it comes as little surprise to see how many of those who had excelled at sport also managed to excel at war, displaying outstanding valour. Notable among these valorous combatants were the Chavasse brothers, Christopher and Noel, both of whom had competed in the 400 metres at the 1908 London Games. Christopher earned the Military Cross, Noel the Victoria Cross - Britain's highest award for gallantry - for which he was posthumously awarded a bar, thus becoming the only man to earn this award twice during the War.

Chavasse was first awarded the VC for his actions on August 9 1916 at Guillemont in France. Here is the citation:

"Captain Noel Godfrey Chavasse, M.C., M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps.

"For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty.

"During an attack he tended the wounded in the open all day, under heavy fire, frequently in view of the enemy. During the ensuing night he searched for wounded on the ground in front of the enemy's lines for four hours.

Noel Chavasse, the only man to be awarded the Victoria Cross twice in the First World War - the second time posthumously - competed at the 1908 London Olympics over 400m ©Hulton Archive/Getty ImagesNoel Chavasse, the only man to be awarded the Victoria Cross twice in the First World War - the second time posthumously - competed at the 1908 London Olympics over 400m ©Hulton Archive/Getty Images

"Next day he took one stretcher-bearer to the advanced trenches, and under heavy shell fire carried an urgent case for 500 yards into safety, being wounded in the side by a shell splinter during the journey. The same night he took up a party of 20 volunteers, rescued three wounded men from a shell hole 25 yards from the enemy's trench, buried the bodies of two Officers, and collected many identity discs, although fired on by bombs and machine guns.

"Altogether he saved the lives of some twenty badly wounded men, besides the ordinary cases which passed through his hands. His courage and self-sacrifice, were beyond praise."

Chavasse's second award was made during the period July 31 to August 2 1917, at Wieltje in Belgium; the full citation was published on 14 September 1917:

"War Office, September, 1917.

"His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of a Bar to the Victoria Cross to Capt. Noel Godfrey Chavasse, V.C., M.C., late K.A.M.C., attd. L'pool R.

"For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty when in action.

"Though severely wounded early in the action whilst carrying a wounded soldier to the Dressing Station, Capt. Chavasse refused to leave his post, and for two days not only continued to perform his duties, but in addition went out repeatedly under heavy fire to search for and attend to the wounded who were lying out.

"During these searches, although practically without food during this period, worn with fatigue and faint with his wound, he assisted to carry in a number of badly wounded men, over heavy and difficult ground.

"By his extraordinary energy and inspiring example, he was instrumental in rescuing many wounded who would have otherwise undoubtedly succumbed under the bad weather conditions.

"This devoted and gallant officer subsequently died of his wounds."

Both the Chavasse brothers had failed to progress from their heats in the London 400m. The eventual winner - albeit running on his own after an international incident which caused his US opposition to boycott the final - was Wyndham Halswelle, who, as a Captain serving at the Battle of Neuve Chapelle in France, was killed by a sniper on March 31 1915 while attempting to rescue a fellow officer.

Earlier in the same battle he had been hit by shrapnel while leading his men across an area known as Layes Brook, but despite his wounds he refused to be evacuated and continued at the front, although heavily bandaged.

Wyndham Halswelle wins the 1908 Olympic 400m title in the re-run final which his US opponents boycotted after one of their number, John Carpenter, had been disqualified for obstruction. Captain Halswelle was killed by a sniper in 1915 as he attempted to rescue a fellow officer from no-man's-land during the Battle of Neuve Chapelle in France ©Hulton Archive/Getty ImagesWyndham Halswelle wins the 1908 Olympic 400m title in the re-run final which his US opponents boycotted after one of their number, John Carpenter, had been disqualified for obstruction. Captain Halswelle was killed by a sniper in 1915 as he attempted to rescue a fellow officer from no-man's-land during the Battle of Neuve Chapelle in France
©Hulton Archive/Getty Images

This "War To End All Wars" scarred a generation - prematurely ending countless lives, including those of Olympians past, and also leaving its deep mark on those young men and women for whom the Olympics lay in the future.

Steve Redgrave was the first British rower to win five Olympic golds, but he wasn't the first to collect five Olympic medals - that distinction fell to Jack Beresford, who collected a total of three golds and two silvers in a career spanning the Games from 1920 to 1936.

Steve Redgrave celebrates winning his fifth Olympic rowing gold at the 2000 Sydney Games. But he was not the first British rower to win five Olympic medals... ©AFP/Getty ImagesSteve Redgrave celebrates winning his fifth Olympic rowing gold at the 2000 Sydney Games. But he was not the first British rower to win five Olympic medals... ©AFP/Getty Images

On the eve of the London 2012 Games I spoke to Beresford's son, John, who recalled vividly how, as a teenager, he would accompany his father around the lanes near their home at Shiplake, in Oxfordshire.

Beresford senior - then well into his fifties - would reminisce. His rowing career had been stellar. At the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp, aged 21, he had had to settle for silver in the single sculls after a monumental struggle with Jack Kelly of the United States - father of film star Grace Kelly - who overhauled him in the final few hundred metres to win by a second.

Four years later, having won the Diamond Sculls at Henley for a second time, Beresford succeeded Kelly as Olympic single sculls champion at the Paris Games, and four years later he took silver in the British eight at the Amsterdam Games.

At the 1932 Los Angeles Games, he added another gold as a member of the coxless four crew. But the best came last in his Olympic progress as, at the 1936 Berlin Games, he took part in what he described as "the sweetest race I ever rowed".

Beresford and his partner in the double sculls, Dick Southwood, ruined Adolf Hitler's day as they confounded the watching Fuhrer and the home favourites Willie Kaidel and Joachim Pirsch to take gold.

Jack Beresford (left) and Dick Southwood celebrate after winning the double sculls for Britain at the 1936 Berlin Games, bringing Beresford's Olympic total to three golds and two silvers ©AFP/Getty ImagesJack Beresford (left) and Dick Southwood, garlanded after winning the double sculls for Britain at the 1936 Berlin Games, bringing Beresford's Olympic total to three golds and two silvers ©AFP/Getty Images

And yet his preferred topic of conversation, as he strolled with his son, was not sport, but war.

"I used to walk a lot with him," John Beresford recalled. "The thing he most often wanted to talk about was his time in the trenches during the First World War. I guess it was his way of coping with what he had been through."

Having been born on New Year's Day 1899, Beresford was just about old enough to serve in the First World War. He tried to enlist at the age of 17, only to be sent back home when his father Julius - a silver medallist in the coxed fours at the 1912 Stockholm Olympics - heard about it.

But the following year, 1918, Beresford succeeded in joining the Liverpool Scottish Regiment and went out to France in April. He was on the Somme until October, when he was shot through his leg and had to come home.

As his son remarked, that wound - among other things - altered the course of Olympic history, as at that time Beresford was inclining towards rugby rather than rowing. "He wanted to play rugby - that was his passion," John Beresford explained. "He'd been captain of Bedford School first XV but the injury put an end to that."

But the great rower's reminiscences were on the subject of others, rather than himself.

"Of his original company, by the end, he told me there were only about three officers and 14 men still alive," his son recalled. "He was lucky."

Mike Rowbottom, one of Britain's most talented sportswriters, covered the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics as chief feature writer for insidethegames, having covered the previous five summer Games, and four winter Games, for The Independent. He has worked for the Daily Mail, The Times, The Observer, The Sunday Correspondent and The Guardian. His latest book Foul Play – the Dark Arts of Cheating in Sport (Bloomsbury £8.99) is available at the insidethegames.biz shop. To follow him on Twitter click here.

Sir Andrew Foster: The real reason behind England's success at Glasgow 2014

Sir Andrew Foster ©Commonwealth Games EnglandAs the dust settles after Glasgow we look back with real pride and affection on an event that truly breathed renewed life into the Commonwealth Games movement.

Topping the medals table for the first time in 28 years with a total of 174 medals is a great achievement for Team England - it's a great testament to our athletes and their ability, we are very proud of them.

Of course the full venues, huge media interest and a sense of celebration owed much to the success of London two years ago - but these Games have delivered a their own unique feeling of togetherness and Civic pride for Glasgow and Scotland and everything reflected that. Seeing the reaction of erstwhile Team GB colleagues celebrating together and rapturous crowd reactions to all athletes was an inspiration and the friendliness of the Scottish people stole our hearts.

Our team, a mixture of established stars like Bradley Wiggins, Tom Daley and Greg Rutherford along with breakthrough talent like Claudia Fragapane, a history maker as the first woman to win four holds at a single Games since 1930, Anthony Fowler in boxing, Jade Jones in the T54 wheelchair 1500m, Ben Proud in swimming and Jodie Williams in 200m to name just a few, will all have learned so much from being around a multi sport environment.

England's team for Glasgow 2014 was a mixture of established talent and fresh faces ©AFP/Getty ImagesEngland's team for Glasgow 2014 was a mixture of established talent and fresh faces ©AFP/Getty Images

We were asked how we felt Team England would be received in Scotland, and in truth we were not sure. In the end the famous Hampden roar and Scottish friendliness was inspirational, so well done Glasgow.

So how did we come from third to top of the medals table after Delhi 2010?

Of course success has many parents but failure is an orphan. For us organisationally after 2010 we set out to up our game in every way that we possibly could, building on what happened in 2012 that did so much to up everyone's awareness of the need to do things better. What we were keen to do was to surf that wave of success from London and look across everything we did and see how we could support the athletes more.

Central to it was working extremely closely with the various Governing Bodies, forging a relationship with them and setting up systems to forge a team culture through the talented network of Team Leaders across the 17 sports. We had four Team Leader meetings and numerous workshops and communication over a series of different meetings including briefings in the Athletes' Village in Glasgow.

Systems put in place ahead of the Commonwealth Games produced the results, with England topping the medals table for the first time since 1986 ©Getty ImagesSystems put in place ahead of the Commonwealth Games produced the results, with England topping the medals table for the first time since 1986 ©Getty Images

All the way through the process we made the event athlete focused, bringing their voices into our approach and looking closely at what they need the most.

The kit deal signed with Kukri in April 2013 was a step change in how we kitted out our athletes. Over the summer of 2013 we undertook an unprecedented number of sizing sessions. Every athlete received kit exactly right for them. It was a new approach and was appreciated. Kukri were strong

The fundamental Village innovation was the Performance Centre. In Glasgow we provided a bespoke diagnostic and treatment space for Team England athletes including a full medical facility, a physio room, an ice bath room and cycling training gym. These were totally new facilities for us and showed the range of our ambition and detail that we were just not able to do previously. They were well used and effective. The whole facility was. Everything was centred on professionalising all aspects of our approach.

The Club House situated at the Belevedere Bowls club close to the Village was a hub for friends and family of the athletes during the downtime of the Games. It also served as a place where non-rights media could go.  Marks and Spencer supplied our food and the clubhouse worked as a venue

Team England was steered brilliantly by our Chef de Mission Jan Paterson, ably supported by her deputy Chefs Graeme Dell, Hilda Gibson and Don Parker, all of whom had multi Games experience along with Claire Furlong in team media relations and Mo Diprose in commercial operations.

Working closely with them were communications, commercial and events teams keeping the media sponsors stakeholders and our organisation happy. But our greatest pride is in the performance of our wonderful massively talented athletes  - this promises well for the next four years in which Rio and the Gold Coast will be tremendous opportunities.

Sir Andrew Foster is the chairman of Commonwealth Games England.

Alan Hubbard: Glasgow 2014 has changed the political ball game in the Scottish independence debate

Alan HubbardThose who say sport and politics don't mix are way off the mark. They have been compatible bedfellows for ages.

If it wasn't for their union, apartheid might have prevailed in South Africa far longer than it did and racial equality in the United States might still be simmering on the back burner.

Boycotts and protests may never be welcomed but they sometimes achieve their objective, and Nelson Mandela once testified and Tommie Smith and John Carlos still maintain.

Which brings us to us to Glasgow 2014. While in the end, there was nothing disturbingly politicised about the 20th Commonwealth Games there is little doubt that, inadvertently or otherwise, the cause of Scottish independence been enhanced by their unquestionable success.

When polling day comes on September 18 the lingering feel-good factor surely will play a critical role.

The case for Scottish independence has been enhanced by the successful staging of the Commonwealth Games ©Getty ImagesThe case for Scottish independence has been enhanced by the successful staging of the Commonwealth Games ©Getty Images

I have a Scottish son-in-law, a Glaswegian himself, who is vehemently opposed to separatism (well he does live in Surrey!), but he now reluctantly acknowledges that because of the Games many hitherto uncommitted voters, particularly the young, will tick the "yes" box in the belief that Scotland is now a nation capable of running its own affairs as capably as Glasgow did the Games.

As it happens we were spared First Minister Alex Salmond doing the Braveheart bit - or the Saltire-waving Highland Fling - because he didn't have to say a word. Glasgow's superbly efficient organisation and Scotland's own record medal haul spoke volumes for his cause.

The city's professional presentation, welcoming geniality and all-round competence, said all that was necessary to ensure Glasgow 2014 was a mini replica of London 2012.

But were these really "the best Games ever" as declared by Malaysia's ebullient Commonwealth Games Federation President Prince Imran when doing a Samaranch at the closing ceremony?

Maybe, though Manchester and Melbourne might demur, with the latter arguably edging it because of the weather.

But Glasgow did itself and Scotland proud, and, if they are still bothered about being part of us, Great Britain too.

Whether the need for independence has been irrevocably enshrined as a result will be determined on the political podium in the coming referendum.

Salmond's deputy, Nicola Sturgeon, suggests the Games have provided a perfect platform for the yes campaign, invigorating the belief that Scotland now has the potential for going it alone in the world - as well as the next Olympics.

One wonders what one man who kept an anxious lookout for any political hijacking of the Games thinks about that. Sir Craig Reedie, another Glaswegian who is an International Olympic Committee (IOC) vice-president, needed to see strict adherence to the IOC rule - and that of the Commonwealth Games Federation - that the Games must not be manipulated as a political vehicle.

Sir Craig Reedie is known to oppose Scottish independence, but he may be at the forefront of helping a team from the country compete at Rio 2016 ©AFP/Getty ImagesSir Craig Reedie is known to oppose Scottish independence, but he may be at the forefront of helping a team from the country compete at Rio 2016 ©AFP/Getty Images

Reedie, 73, finds himself in a tricky situation. A former chair of the British Olympic Association, a principal architect of a successful London 2012 and now president of the World Anti-Doping Agency, he is known to be opposed to Scottish independence yet wearing his IOC hat would be expected to help expedite Scotland's wish to compete as an separate nation in Rio 2016 should the referendum be affirmative.

Such an eventuality would need to be fast-tracked by the IOC but precedence suggests they may be compliant as they were with Montenegro for Beijing 2008.

We shall see. Meantime, while we laud the Games for what they were, let's not lose all sense of perspective and be as ridiculously carried away as the BBC were throughout the 11-day carnival.

BBC? More like OTT.

Some of the commentary box eulogising and obsequious trackside interviewing was positively cringe-making, so much so that the usual Skyperbole we have to endure whenever Premier League football is on the satellite channel seemed under-stated by comparison.

The supply of patronising superlatives from Gary Lineker, Hazel Irvine, Clare Balding and co  was inexhaustible..."Amazing...astonishing...astounding." And that was just the start of a breathless lexicon in which every home nations bronze medal was heralded it as if the recipient had won the lottery.

Thank goodness for the measured baritone wisdom of Michael Johnson on athletics and the thoughtful ringside summaries of Amir Khan at the boxing arena.

Not that the public gave a hoots.

They were there to cheer the talent, not evaluate it. And why not?

They didn't seem to much care what they were watching. This was their party and they were determined to enjoy it.

Crowds packed into the Glasgow 2014 venues not to evaluate the talent, but to cheer on the athletes ©Getty ImagesCrowds packed into the Glasgow 2014 venues not to evaluate the talent, but to cheer on the athletes ©Getty Images

There is a video clip of an American TV quiz now doing the rounds on YouTube in which a presenter demands of the audience: "What the f.... are the Commonwealth Games?"

They are then lampooned as "an off Broadway version of the Olympics" and we are informed: In America we don't know what the hell they are?"

Not that it matters what the most insular breed on earth think of them.

More to the point, let us not be seduced here by our own TV into believing we witnessed a sporting epic, because judged by the true standards of elite sport, it was not the case.

Enjoyable, yes; a great show, most certainly. But these were not the Olympics or a World Championships, or anywhere near them in the majority of sports with the US, Russia, China, Japan and continental Europe missing.

How many world records were broken? How many of the 100 metres line-up, for example, would actually have got into an Olympic final?

Yet the essence of the Commonwealth Games is not to celebrate super-stardom but to offer a platform for sport's little people from little places on the global map, like the Solomon Islands, Tonga and Gibraltar.

Who cares if they were lapped three times on the Hampden track? These Games were for them as much as the fistful of sporting powerhouses.

They were also for sports such as netball, bowls and squash (ironically one where the best players in the world actually compete at Commonwealth level) who are left waiting in the wings when the curtain is raised at the Olympic theatre every four years.

Ok, there were some brilliant individual performances but by and large standards in most disciplines were at best moderate.

But moderate is hardly an adjective that could be affixed overall to a magnificent Scottish showpiece, which, insignificant it may be soulless Uncle Sam, may have helped create a whole new political ball game as well as being a timely reminder that sport can be fun, as well as Games.

Alan Hubbard is an award-winning sports columnist for The Independent on Sunday and a former sports editor of The Observer. He has covered a total of 16 Summer and Winter Games, 10 Commonwealth Games, several football World Cups and world title fights from Atlanta to Zaire.

Nick Butler: Glasgow 2014 teaching the lessons and significance of sport

Nick Butler
Nick ButlerIt is rather a shock coming from Kylie and Lulu, not to mention all the other fun but rather meaningless components of last night's Closing Ceremony, to the harrowing commemorations today to mark 100 years since the outbreak of the First World War.

Like all other walks of life, the sports world was affected by the "Great War" and for anyone interested in how exactly, I would point them in the direction of my colleague Philip Barker's excellent piece on insidethegames: A tribute to the Olympic Movement's fallen.

When British and German troops joined together for a spontaneous football match on No Man's Land on Christmas Day, 1914, sport also provided one of the most enduring memories of the four-year conflict. This match was possibly something of a myth - although multiple accounts insist it did occur - yet it still illustrates the wider role of sport to spread unity and harmony, and does so in a better way than probably any other case in history.

The "Friendly Games" which concluded last night in Glasgow seeks to do a similar thing. And although the name "Friendly Games" is beginning to resemble one of those irritating buzz-words, like "legacy" or "gender-equality", the Commonwealth Games does achieve this in a more effortless and natural way than many other competitions.

Sport united conflicting people in World War One as it still unites people today ©Hulton Archive via Getty ImagesSport united conflicting people in World War One as it still unites people today, including at Glasgow 2014 ©Hulton Archive via Getty Images

When asked to provide her enduring memory of Glasgow 2014, insidethegames managing director Sarah Bowron spoke about how the Games are like a "great big family wedding reception" with people joining together to celebrate shared values and experiences.

One of the great components of this is the opportunity for athletes from small countries to compete on the same stage as more established nations, and in the case of Kiribati weightlifter, David Katoatau, to defeat them to deem the Pacific Island's first ever Commonwealth Games medal a golden one.

In terms of the sport itself, I feel with hindsight that the first week of the Games largely passed me by. Yes, I enjoyed the likes of Alistair Brownlee illustrating his enduring brilliance with two triathlon titles, South Africa stunning New Zealand in the rugby sevens, and the likes of Euan Burton, Hannah Miley and Daniel Keatings lighting up the home crowd to win for Scotland.

Hannah Miley provided one of many great moments for the host nation in Glasgow ©Getty ImagesHannah Miley provided one of many great moments for the host nation in Glasgow
©Getty Images

But, maybe because we were too busy going from events in a constant rush to keep our live blog up to date, aptly described as a "monster that always needs feeding" by one of my colleagues, I wasn't really absorbing all of the drama as much as I would have if I had been watching it on the couch at home.

So in the last few days I made a conscious decision to do exactly that and was duly rewarded with a trio of equally exciting sporting experiences over the last three days of action.

The first came at Hampden Park in the crème de la crème of any athletics competition that is the men's 10,000m. In a 25-lap affair that was lacking the world and Olympic champion Mo Farah, which arguably made it that bit more exciting as a contest, half a dozen runners were still in contention with a lap to go. It was Cameron Levins of Canada, a training partner of Farah, who took up the running with 200 metres to go. He surged on the bend and for a moment seemed to be opening up daylight before Josphat Bett of Kenya edged ahead on the outside.

Moses Kipsiro edged a thrilling 10,000m race for the only Ugandan gold of the Games ©Getty ImagesMoses Kipsiro edged a thrilling 10,000m race for the only Ugandan gold of the Games
©Getty Images

But then, out of nowhere, came Moses Kipsiro, who, four years after winning double gold at Delhi 2010, had been a lowly eighth in the 5,000m final five days earlier and had considered not even starting the longer affair. Yet, rather like his biblical namesake when he parted the Red Sea, the Ugandan surged clear to win a spectacular contest by mere inches.

It may not have been a fast pace and it may not have included many of history's greatest runners, but it was quite simply a great contest, and a testament that you should always be on the start-line because you never know what is going to happen.

The following day I found myself at the women's hockey final for a sport I am not particularly familiar with on an evening that was living up to every stereotype about Scottish weather you have ever heard. But, despite the torrential rain and relentless splashing that accompanied every stroke of the ball, I was witnessing another classic encounter between England and Australia, two of the greatest rivals in the history of sport.

When Lily Owsley scored in the second half, it seemed that England were going to win for what was set to be the biggest upset of the Games so far.

But, as any cricket and rugby fan knows, there is nothing more foolish than writing off the Australians, and sure enough, with 11 seconds to go they found the net to equalise from a penalty corner. Into a penalty shootout we went and, from my perspective as an England football fan, the result appeared inevitable. Despite the drama of a missed penalty stroke, this is what eventually happened, as Australia held their nerve to secure a third successive gold medal.

As well as being there and never giving up, winning a gold medal is about gambling and getting your tactics right. The men's cycling road race on the final day of the Games provided a spectacular example of what happens when you get this wrong. Isle of Man's Peter Kennaugh, arguably the outstanding rider in the field and on great form following his win in the Tour of Austria, surged away in the opening kilometre and duly held the lead for the next 110km.

It was an audacious bid to win gold, yet, despite the bravery, it was a foolhardy one which broke every cast-iron rule of cycling through the ages. Sure enough Kennaugh tired and was swiftly overhauled by a group containing eventual winner Geraint Thomas, a Welsh rider on an even or maybe slightly higher keel than the Manxman, who won because he got his strategy right.

Pete Kennaugh's bid for solo gold with 160km to go was always destined to fail ©Getty ImagesPete Kennaugh's bid for solo gold with 160km to go was always destined to fail
©Getty Images

All of this might indeed pale into insignificance in comparison with the First World War, but it shows that, within sport, remain some integral life lessons related to not giving up, always having a go, as well as being exuberant and brave but combining this with realism and common sense.

So while I do not feel qualified enough to judge whether Glasgow 2014 was the "best Games ever" - although I do know that not every Games can be, as seems to be claimed these days - if you search hard enough, you can find some great sporting moments and lessons. 

And as it did from 1914 to 2014, sport will continue to create unity well into the future.

Nick Butler is a reporter for insidethegames. To follow him on Twitter click here.

David Grevemberg: Success of Glasgow 2014 only just starting

Duncan Mackay
Glasgow 2014 chief executive David Grevemberg ©Glasgow 2014Today is a time for "thank yous". It has been, quite simply, an incredible 11 days. And it is all down to the efforts, enthusiasm and energy of many thousands of people.  From athletes and officials to our clyde-siders and staff, from spectators at our venues to our partners and sponsors - everyone has gone out of their way to make Glasgow 2014 an extraordinary festival of fun and sport.

Whether they put in a record-breaking performance or pointed a visitor in the right direction, they have shown that sport has the power to bring people together.

New stars have emerged and the home nations' athletes have dazzled us with their medal-winning performances. Athletes we wouldn't have recognised two weeks ago are now household names and what an inspiration they have been to our young people.  Families have filled our venues and watched as the athletes' expressions changed from shock to utter delight when they realised they'd won a Commonwealth medal.

New Commonwealth Games - and world - records have been set as the 71 nations and territories have competed in 17 different sports. Young athletes from around the Commonwealth have excelled and while I can't list them all, I would like to give a special mention to Erraid Davies, bronze medal winner in the SB9 100 metres breaststroke. As Scotland's youngest ever competitor, she has inspired us all.

At 13, swimmer Erraid Davies has become a popular at these Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games after winning a bronze medal in the SB9 100m breaststroke ©Getty ImagesAt 13, swimmer Erraid Davies has become a popular at these Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games after winning a bronze medal in the SB9 100m breaststroke ©Getty Images

Glasgow 2014 has been Scotland's most successful sporting event ever. A total of 1.2 million tickets were sold and hundreds of thousands of people enjoyed the city's and nation's hospitality. Our Commonwealth family were welcomed like old friends, lifelong memories were created and our wonderful Clyde mascot sold out fast. Good news though, for Clyde and haggis fans, you can still order both online at www.glasgow2014.com.

Alongside the sport, hundreds of cultural activities have taken place with our festival live zones welcoming over half a million visitors.

Our volunteers, the Clyde-siders, have done a tremendous job as the smiling face of Scotland's biggest ever sporting and cultural festival, ensuring visitors from far and near received a warm, Scottish welcome.

The XX Commonwealth Games captured people's imagination and that's something we don't take for granted. The Organising Committee has been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm the people of Glasgow, Scotland, the UK and the Commonwealth have shown for the Games.

Clyde has been so popular at Glasgow 2014 that even Usain Bolt wanted to have his photograph taken with him ©Getty ImagesClyde has been so popular at Glasgow 2014 that even Usain Bolt wanted to have his photograph taken with him ©Getty Images

There is no doubt the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games has enjoyed real success. That comes down not only to the athletes who have broken records, but also to the individuals, communities, businesses and our partner organisations who have worked hard to ensure the impact of the Games will be felt for many years to come.

The city's environment and infrastructure was improved in preparation for the Games - that includes transport, utilities and of course our sporting venues. One of the reasons Glasgow was awarded the Games was that 70 per cent of its venues were already in situ. Existing venues have been upgraded and new landmark venues, such as the Emirates Arena - which includes the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome - the SSE Hydro and the Glasgow National Hockey Centre have been added to the city.

Over £300 million has been invested in new and improved sports and Games-related facilities since 2009 and these venues will be a lasting legacy for athletes, coaches, governing bodies, young people and local communities.

Glasgow 2014 has been embraced the whole of Scotland, even the dogs ©Getty ImagesGlasgow 2014 has been embraced the whole of Scotland, including the dogs ©Getty Images

Alongside our sporting venues, we have one special area that the 6,500 athletes and team officials have called home during the Games. The Athletes' Village will leave a lasting legacy for the people of Glasgow with 300 homes available for private sale and 400 affordable houses for rental.

The economic impact of the Games has been felt with over £300 million ($504 million/€376 million) worth of Commonwealth Games contracts awarded to the businesses who have provided essential works, goods and services. It is estimated 30,000 contractors have worked in the city and across venues during the Games and Glasgow City Council's ambitious Commonwealth Apprenticeship Initiative has found Modern Apprenticeship places for more than 2,900 Glasgow school leavers over the past four years.

Now, as we prepare to say goodbye to the Games, we should not underestimate the sense of pride and confidence that comes from being a Host City. From young people who've been inspired to take up sport to individuals who've gained new skills through volunteering or training, the legacy of the XX Commonwealth Games is only just beginning.

Everyone should be proud of what we accomplished together as we welcomed the Commonwealth in - and invite them "back to ours" tonight.

David Grevemberg is the chief executive of Glasgow 2014

Philip Barker: No Queen. No kangaroos. But there will be Kylie at Glasgow 2014 Closing Ceremony

Duncan Mackay
Philip BarkerAs Glasgow 2014 comes to an end tomorrow at Hampden Park ,the ceremonial Commonwealth Games flag will be passed to Gold Coast City Mayor Tom Tate. As the event has developed into a television spectacular over the last 30 years or so, the usual practice has been for the next hosts to offer a glimpse of  what they have to offer.

When Sydney took the flag in Atlanta at the 1996 Olympics, however,,they were criticised for a performance in which  the image which lingered in the memory was of kangaroos on bicycles. The Gold Coast would not reveal any details of their handover segment  although Mayor Tate insisted "we have moved on from Kangaroos".

The Gold Coast party piece  has been devised by David Atkins, one of the creative brains behind the Sydney 2000 ceremonies.

After the problems experienced with opening the Queen's Baton at the opening ceremony, the Gold Coast team were taking no chances and headed to Hampden to take part in rehearsals following an early morning press conference.

Queensland Commonwealth Games Minister Jann Stuckey will deliver a speech. "It will be one of the most nervous speeches of my life it is such a deep honour," she said.

Kangaroos on bicycles at the Closing Ceremony of Atlanta 1996 was a memorable part of the Sydney 2000 handover ©WikipediaKangaroos on bicycles at the Closing Ceremony of Atlanta 1996 was a memorable part of the Sydney 2000 handover ©Wikipedia

Mayor Tate then receives the ceremonial flag. This will be kept in the Municipal buildings on the Gold Coast for the next four years until the Games are due to open on April 4, 2018.

"I was joking  with the Lord Provost of Glasgow, it is going to be hard to let go," said Tate. "I am going to have to tug hard to take it off her.When I touch the flag it will inspire our city."

Since its introduction, the handover segment has been a golden opportunity for the next host city to introduce itself. In Delhi, a lone piper played the opening chords of the popular bagpipe tune "The Black Bear". He was not alone for long as a "Highland  Charge."of some 350 youngsters raced into the stadium.

Some lifted the piper above their heads as the rest of the company performed Highland dances to traditional airs "Scotland the Brave" and "Auld Lang Syne". A maze of tartan appeared  on the floor of the arena and then as a grand finale  a representation of the "Armadillo" - officially the Clyde Auditorium - suddenly took shape in the Nehru Stadium. All that was missing was the waters of the River Clyde.

Glasgow's handover for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi featured a piper and the Armadillo ©Glasgow 2014Glasgow's handover for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi featured a bagpiper and the Armadillo ©Glasgow 2014

There was no shortage of water the last time an Australian city performed at a handover for a Commonwealth Games. As the rains fell in  Manchester 2002, the Premier of Victoria Steve Bracks promised " another golden year " as he received the flag from Roy Walter, Lord Mayor of Manchester.

Singing star Vanessa Amorosi was revealed on stage behind a huge parcel bearing the legend "From Manchester to Melbourne". Dressed in bright red dress, she  received a soaking as she performed her hit "Shine" front of The Queen. Kylie Minogue will be hoping to stay dry when she sings at tomorrow's Ceremony. Although she is Australian she is not part of the Gold Coast segment. 

Her Majesty the Queen declared the Games closed for the first time at Edinburgh in 1970, the first occasion they were held in Scotland. Since then she has performed the closing on six other occasions, more than any other individual. She had been  also been scheduled to do so in 1958 but illness had prevented her from attending the Games in Cardiff. 

Her son, Prince Edward, VIce-Patron of the Commonwealth Games Federation, will close Glasgow 2014 with a traditional wish. "May they continue to display friendship and concord, so the spirit of our family of nations  may be carried on with enthusiasm, courage and honour for the good of humanity and peace of the world."

Philip Barker has worked as a television journalist for 25 years. He began his career with Trans World Sport, then as a reporter for Skysports News and the ITV breakfast programme. A regular Olympic pundit on BBC Radio, Sky News and Talksport, he is associate editor of the Journal of Olympic History, has lectured at the National Olympic Academy and contributed extensively to Team GB publications. To follow him on Twitter click here.

Paul Osborne: Losing yourself in the magic of Glasgow 2014

Paul OsborneMy palms were sweaty, knees were weak, arms were heavy; there was vomit on my sweater already, mum's spaghetti. I was nervous, but on the surface I looked calm and ready to drop bombs...

Yes, I did just quote Eminem. Fittingly as well, I must add. Not because I was about to embark on a rap battle in the backstreets of 8 Mile, but rather a 1 Mile at the legendary stadium that is Hampden Park.

This media fun run is, I'm told, a tradition at all major athletics events. It's an opportunity for the hardworking press to give their hands a much needed rest and instead show the eagerly awaiting crowd how the running should be done... Or not.

Perhaps it's better described as a way to give the hosts of volunteers and select few celebrities, including in this case, a certain Darren Campbell, and the man behind the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, David Grevemberg, an opportunity for a good old laugh at us flailing journalists.

Now usually this run would be held over the shorter, and better, 800 metres distance. Being in Scotland, however, with officials no doubt foreseeing the contingent of English press that would volunteer to participate, we were given the imminently harder Mile Run.

Regardless, we pushed on. We, of course, being myself, my insidethegames colleague, Nick "No Nonsense" Butler, and our beloved Olympic and Commonwealth Games historian, Philip Barker.

Nick Butler, Philip Barker and I on the medal podium at Hampden Park, you didn't think we'd lose did you? ©ITGNick Butler, Philip Barker and I on the medal podium at Hampden Park, you didn't think we'd lose did you? ©ITG

Kitted out in the finest running attire money can buy, we headed to the Hampden Park track; not something I thought I would be doing two weeks ago, that's for sure.

After stubbornly copying Nick's expected time of six minutes for the distance, the pair of us, and Philip, were placed in heat one, the so called "elite heat".

Despite the innate lack of elite runners in the field (there was just some guy in green who was pretty good), the run itself was brilliant. To be given the opportunity to run around a pitch that has been graced by some of football's greatest players is a once in a lifetime thing.

Although not quite the Hampden Roar of days gone by, the wave of volunteers who urged us through all 1,600 metres was great. Mix that with overlaying commentary by Philip, who had everyone cracking a laugh as he repeated phrase after phrase of sports best commentators, and you had a thoroughly enjoyable day. And we were referred to as athletes, now there's a first...

"Thoroughly enjoyable" would probably be the words I'd choose to describe my overall experience of Glasgow thus far.

The "Friendly Games", as they are so often referred to, are just that; friendly. Friendly, enjoyable and a joy to be a part of.

Many people came here, myself included, believing this to be the "Salmond Games". An opportunity for the First Minister to spout propaganda and politics, and shift the balance of power towards the "Yes" vote, in sight of the impending referendum. I can tell you that this certainly hasn't been the case. Not in my experiences anyway.

From the moment the first bagpipe marked the start of, what I thought, was a brilliant Opening Ceremony, Mr Salmond appears to have kept his word on his "self-denying ordinance" and left the sportsmen and women to take the limelight at these Games.

A job they have done brilliantly.

David Katoatau's gold-medal winning performance in the weightlifting has proved one of the most impressive moments of these Games so far ©Getty ImagesDavid Katoatau's gold-medal winning performance in the weightlifting has proved one of the most impressive moments of these Games so far ©Getty Images

Be it the Brownlee brothers' dominant performance in the men's triathlon; Daniel Keating's near-perfect display on the pommel horse; Michael Shelley's shock win in the marathon; New Zealand's first ever defeat in the Commonwealth Games to South Africa in the rugby sevens; or David Katoatau securing Kiribati's first ever Commonwealth Games medal with gold in the weightlifting; these and many other moments have made for a spectacularly, spectacular spectacle here in Glasgow, at what are my first ever major multi-sport Championships.

Even here in Edinburgh, where the diving is taking place in the newly-renovated Royal Commonwealth Pool, the staff, volunteers and officials still have the same enthusiasm and cheer as those seen at the heart of the Games in Glasgow. Despite being an hour's journey away from the majority of action, you just know that the opportunity to be part of even just a small section of these Games is a moment to be cherished by these people.

Even the media, the hardest group of all to please, have had fairly few complaints in terms of the Games. There have been problems with buses, for sure. No free food - how dare they?! And a charge for the wi-fi - scandalous! But apart from these minor details, the Games as a whole have been a huge success.

So, with just two-and-a-half days to go, I can safely say that Scotland, you've done a great job here in Glasgow (and Edinburgh) and I thoroughly look forward to the action still to come here at the XX Commonwealth Games.

Paul Osborne is a reporter for insidethegames. To follow him on Twitter click here.

Mike Rowbottom: Glasgow's Games - Bolt's verdict may be debatable, but the glory is unmistakable

Mike Rowbottom
mike rowbottom ©insidethegamesSo, these Glasgow Games. Are they a "bit sh**" so far - or are they in fact "awesome"?

The latter judgement was voiced yesterday by the Games' highest of high profile competitors, Usain Bolt – the same man, according to a journalist on The Times, who voiced the former judgement on Tuesday as he waited in the rain for a car in the Athletes' Village.

The first thing Jamaica's multiple Olympic and world sprint champion did on hearing of The Times report was to deny it on his personal Twitter feed: "I'm waking up to this nonsense.. journalist please don't create lies to make headlines".

The paper stands "100 per cent" behind its story. (Incidentally, have you ever heard a paper stand anything less than 100 per cent behind its story?. "We stand 83 per cent behind our story." Doesn't quite cut it, I suppose...although on some occasions it might be a more accurate estimate.)

Meanwhile Bolt - who was flag-waving on behalf of the Jamaican netball team yesterday and giving a convincing imitation, if nothing better, of a man having a perfectly nice time - stands behind his denial.

Usain Bolt, who has denied describing the Glasgow 2014 Games as "a bit sh**", waves the flag for Jamaica's women netballers during yesterday's match against New Zealand ©AFP/Getty ImagesUsain Bolt, who has denied describing the Glasgow 2014 Games as "a bit sh**", waves the flag for Jamaica's women netballers during yesterday's match against New Zealand 
©AFP/Getty Images

And the man standing behind him, his manager Ricky Simms, told the BBC the newspaper allegations were "utter rubbish."

And the man standing at the head of the Commonwealth Games Federation, its President Mike Hooper, announced: "We are taking Mr Bolt at his word."

In truth, you can imagine Bolt being less than totally thrilled to be in Glasgow in the rain at a time when injuries have hindered his preparations for the season. His decision to compete in Scotland was necessarily delayed, and the fact that he will compete only in the relay makes it clear that his commitment to the event is measured.

Five-times Olympic champion Sir Steve Redgrave, who took three rowing medals at the 1986 Edinburgh Games, the last Commonwealth Games to host the sport, understands what the sporting world looks like from the top.

"When you're a world megastar as he is, the Olympics is his platform, the world platform that he's looking for," Redgrave commented.

"I don't think the Commonwealth Games has captured his imagination or he'd have been trying to compete in all the events that he normally competes in instead of just the relay, so that's a little bit disappointing."

Four years ago the question of Commonwealth participation was academic as far as Bolt was concerned as he brought his season to an early end after his 100m defeat by Tyson Gay at the IAAF Diamond League meeting in Stockholm. That said, he had never indicated any intention of extending his season to October, when the Games were held in Delhi.

Having followed Bolt around the circuit that year, in the course of which I wrote a book about him - Usain Bolt, Fast As Lightning, BlackAmber Publications, £6.99 ($11.80/€8.81) if you must know - I can vouch for the fact that he was quite openly taking things easy in what he viewed as a gap year between the IAAF World Championships of Berlin and Daegu, speaking candidly about "slacking" in training.

After Gay had beaten him to the line in Stockholm's venerable stadium - built to host the 1912 Olympics, and offering the closest experience you can get to watching athletics at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - Bolt freely admitted: "I told you I'm not unbeatable. I did not train as hard as in past years, so I can't complain."

Usain Bolt is beaten by Tyson Gay at Stockholm's Olympic Stadium in August 2010. The Jamaican did not go on to run in that year's Commonwealth Games in Delhi, ending with immediate effect a season in which he freely admitted he had "slacked" in training ©AFP/Getty ImagesUsain Bolt is beaten by Tyson Gay at Stockholm's Olympic Stadium in August 2010. The Jamaican did not go on to run in that year's Commonwealth Games in Delhi, ending with immediate effect a season in which he freely admitted he had "slacked" in training
©AFP/Getty Images

Such candour adds to Bolt's genuine charm. He is not a PR specialist, although he has had to adopt PR strategies in the course of the last six stupendous years in order to manage his day-to-day existence. Usually he manages to do way more than simply say the correct thing. On some occasions, he says the wrong thing.

The circumstances of the conversation between Bolt and the reporter from The Times are not crystal clear. Did the female reporter make it clear she was a reporter? Was the comment a definite response to the question of the Games, rather than the weather? A transcript reportedly being offered by The Times today may help to clarify such matters.

But, ultimately, does it matter?

Sport is about so much more than statistics. Even if the times or the scores are not always at Olympic or world levels, competition in these 20th Commonwealth Games is patently engaging the emotions of those taking part and those watching all across the board.

Three snapshots from last night, for example.

English divers Alicia Blagg and Rebecca Gallantree produced a final dive that even a duffer such as myself could see was top notch to emerge, literally, as gold medallists in the women's synchronised 3m springboard event. The looks on their faces as they stared up to see confirmation of their marks defined excitement. Meanwhile George Crosses agitated madly in a section of the stand.

Olympic 400m champion Kirani James produced one of the Games' high quality performances as he saw off the inspired challenge of South Africa's Wayde Van Niekirk to take gold in 44.24sec, thus breaking Iwan Thomas' 16-year-old Games record.

Grenada's 21-year-old Olympic 400m champion Kirani James heads for another title at Hampden Park in a Games record of 44.24sec ©AFP/Getty ImagesGrenada's 21-year-old Olympic 400m champion Kirani James heads for another title at Hampden Park in a Games record of 44.24sec ©AFP/Getty Images

England's long jumper Greg Rutherford took a first round lead with 8.12m, saw himself knocked down to silver medal position on overall performance when South Africa's Zarck Visser also jumped 8.12m, and responded immediately with a third round effort of 8.20m which earned him another championship gold following his victory at the London 2012 Games.

There was no mistaking the satisfaction and high emotion in Rutherford's face as he was confirmed as the winner. After his unexpected high in London he endured a year to forget in 2013 as he suffered intermittent hamstring injuries, lost his kit sponsor and failed to qualify for the world final.

This year has also had its vexations as his British record of 8.51m, set at Chula Vista in the United States in April, was only confirmed a month later by British Athletics, which launched an investigation after allegations about the jump's legality had been voiced by his domestic rival Chris Tomlinson. Now Rutherford is back in winning mode.

England's Olympic long jump champion Greg Rutherford celebrates winning another gold at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games ©AFP/Getty ImagesEngland's Olympic long jump champion Greg Rutherford celebrates winning another gold at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games ©AFP/Getty Images

"It's never an easy road, and after what happened last year with injury I wasn't sure I was going to be able to carry on jumping," Rutherford told BBC Sport. But now I've managed to win another title and that's what it's all about for me.

"I think a lot of people had written me off thinking I was a one-hit wonder. But I wanted to prove I could do it again.

"People try to write off the Commonwealth Games and say it isn't important," he added. "But try telling that to any athlete who has won a medal here.

"These are hugely important for all types of athletes at all levels and long may it continue."

Thus speaks an Olympic champion.

Mike Rowbottom, one of Britain's most talented sportswriters, covered the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics as chief feature writer for insidethegames, having covered the previous five summer Games, and four winter Games, for The Independent. He has worked for the Daily Mail, The Times, The Observer, The Sunday Correspondent and The Guardian. His latest book Foul Play – the Dark Arts of Cheating in Sport (Bloomsbury £8.99) is available at the insidethegames.biz shop. To follow him on Twitter click here.