Gabor Deregan: Everyone is a fair player at heart

Gabor Deregan

Incredible as it may seem, the concept of fair play has been around for centuries. Even British playwright William Shakespeare described it several times, for example in The Tempest, he wrote "Yes, for a score of kingdoms you should wrangle, And I would call it, fair play."

Alan Hubbard: How a punch on the nose prescribed by your doctor can banish the blues

Alan Hubbard

There was a time when boxing was a no-no among certain factions of the medical profession, not least the British Medical Association (BMA). Some British politicians, too, spearheaded by the late abolitionist Labour MP Dr Edith Summerskill. She tried relentlessly, and unsuccessfully, in the 1960s, to get a Bill through Parliament banning the noble art, which she considered notoriously ignoble.