David Miller: Heiberg backs Drut's cry for Olympic revision

David Miller

The Olympic Games has become a magnificent, mega-contradiction: humanity’s global festival embracing every nation and race, great or small, gathering both the elite and humble in a social village without barriers, yet simultaneously a grotesque economic and extravagant self-indulgence, stretching host cities to breaking point in staging 33 concurrent World Championships.

Philip Barker: The unluckiest IOC President

Philip Barker

Forty years ago, International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Lord Killanin was only a few weeks from retirement, but he found himself at the centre of a bitter Olympic crisis as the campaign to boycott the 1980 Moscow Olympics raged around him.

Alan Hubbard: How Dr Ironfist showed the way in cracking down on coronavirus

Alan Hubbard

Thankfully the days are long gone when old boxers retired to Palookaville along with their slurred speech, twisted noses and fading memories. Advances in safety measures and medical science mean that the fight game is no longer a repository for washed-up pugs. Indeed, as I have mentioned before, these days you will see more rugby players with cauliflower ears than boxers.