
Going for gold at London 2012 is all in the name

By Emily Goddard

Jonathan_Brownlee18-07-11July 26 - It has long been accepted that the first name given to a new baby can have a lasting impact on their future prospects, but new research has revealed if you want to make the grade when it comes to the upcoming London 2012 Games, you stand a far better chance if you're called John or Katherine.

Bubka hails Pyeongchang's "close to perfect" 2018 Winter Olympics bid

By Emily Goddard

Sergey_Bubka_13-07-11July 26 - Sergey Bubka, a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and President of the Ukrainian National Olympic Committee, has formally congratulated Pyeongchang after they won the right to host the Winter Olympic and Paralympics Games in 2018 with a "close to perfect" bid, that saw the decision being made after only one round of voting.

Exclusive: I want a quick resolution to Stadium row claims Sir Keith Mills

By Tom Degun in London

London_2012_Olympic_Stadium_from_air_June_2011July 25 - London 2012 deputy chairman Sir Keith Mills has claimed he wants a quick resolution to the controversy surrounding the future of the Olympic Stadium but insisted he will not get involved in trying to find a resolution because of his close links to Tottenham Hotspur, who are currently taking legal action after West Ham United were chosen ahead of them to be the tennants.