
ITF’s independent arbitration under the umbrella of CAS

ITF’s independent arbitration under the umbrella of CAS

The International Taekwon-Do Federation was originally founded in 1966 in Seoul. Since then and over time, the ITF moved its headquarter together with the legal registration to a few countries. The most recent move was decided in the ITF General Assembly on 3 October, 2022, moving the ITF to Lausanne, Switzerland, coming into force on 1 January 1. Together with the move, new statutes were approved replacing all previous texts.  

Dick Pound chimes in USADA-WADA war of words

Dick Pound chimes in USADA-WADA war of words

The former World Anti-Doping Agency President discussed the fall-out from the Chinese swimmers doping scandal and accused the agency from the other side of the border of seeking to undermine the global body with "lies and distortions".