London 2012

IOC will back BOA on lifetime doping ban promises Oswald

By Tom Degun in London

denis oswald_07-10-11October 7 - Denis Oswald, chairman of the London 2012 International Olympic Committee (IOC) Coordination Commission, has promised that the Olympic governing body will back the British Olympic Association (BOA) on their lifetime ban for drug cheats despite the major Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruling on the issue yesterday.

Drop pointless judicial review, Robertson urges Tottenham

By Andrew Warshaw at the Leaders in Football Conference in London

London 2012_Olympic_Stadium_with_track_October_3_2011October 6 - Sport and Olympics Minister Hugh Robertson today urged Tottenham Hotspur one last time to drop their "pointless" bid for a judicial review  into their failed bid to move to the Olympic Stadium after next year's Games, warning that no further deal would be on the table to help redevelop their own ground.

American bowled over by archery at Lord's

By Tom Degun at Lord's Cricket Ground in London

Lords Cricket_Ground_test_event_October_3_2011October 3 - American archery star Brady Ellison, the reigning World Cup champion in the men's recurve, has hailed Lord's Cricket Ground as an amazing London 2012 venue for his sport as the Olympic test event got underway here today.

IAAF Evaluation Commission given "cast-iron guarantee" track will remain at Olympic Stadium

By Duncan Mackay at the Olympic Stadium in London

Olympic stadium_first_lap_with_Sebastian_Coe_and_Hannah_England_October_3_2011October 3 - A team of inspectors visiting London to produce a report on the capital's bid to host the 2017 World Athletics Championships have been given a "cast-iron guarantee" by the Government that the running track will remain in place at Olympic Stadium regardless of whether Tottenham Hotspur wins it judicial review, it was claimed today. 

Exclusive: "Athletics will stay in Olympic Stadium" head of Legacy Company to guarantee IAAF

By Duncan Mackay

Olympic_Stadium_in_sunlightOctober 3 - A top-level group led by London Mayor Boris Johnson and Sport and Olympics Minister Hugh Robertson will today seek to reassure senior International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) officials there is no doubt over the future of the £486 million ($756 million/€561 million) Olympic Stadium after London 2012 which could affect the city's bid to host the 2017 World Championships.