London 2012

Going for gold at London 2012 is all in the name

By Emily Goddard

Jonathan_Brownlee18-07-11July 26 - It has long been accepted that the first name given to a new baby can have a lasting impact on their future prospects, but new research has revealed if you want to make the grade when it comes to the upcoming London 2012 Games, you stand a far better chance if you're called John or Katherine.

Exclusive: I want a quick resolution to Stadium row claims Sir Keith Mills

By Tom Degun in London

London_2012_Olympic_Stadium_from_air_June_2011July 25 - London 2012 deputy chairman Sir Keith Mills has claimed he wants a quick resolution to the controversy surrounding the future of the Olympic Stadium but insisted he will not get involved in trying to find a resolution because of his close links to Tottenham Hotspur, who are currently taking legal action after West Ham United were chosen ahead of them to be the tennants.