Sergej Litvinov: An open letter to Sebastian Coe

Sergej Litvinov: An open letter to Sebastian Coe

Dear Lord Coe,

When it was announced that the Russian team will be banned from the upcoming Olympics last week, the common reaction here in Russia was denial mixed with anger. Many top athletes and officials continue to deny the scope of the problem and are angry that Russia is being singled out while similar issues exist in many places across the world.

Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia weightlifting teams face threat of missing Rio 2016 after multiple positive drugs tests

Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia weightlifting teams face threat of missing Rio 2016 after multiple positive drugs tests

The weightlifting Federations of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia will be suspended for one year in the event that it is proven the countries produced three or more anti-doping rule violations in the combined re-analysis of samples from 2008 and 2012 Olympics in Beijing and London respectively, it has been confirmed here today.