Gary Anderson

Recent articles by Gary

Winners of Sochi 2014 Cultural Programme revealed

By Gary Anderson

September 19 - The Cultural Programme is part of the Sochi 2014 Cultural Olympiad launched in 2010After receiving more than 1,000 applications for the competition, the winners of the Sochi 2014 Cultural Programme have been announced and will get the opportunity to perform in front of guests at the Games next year.

Put players first in Heineken Cup dispute, says new IOC member Morariu

By Gary Anderson at Clifford Chance in Canary Wharf in London 

September 18 - IOC member Octavian Morariu wants players to come first in European Rugby disputeNewly elected International Olympic Committee (IOC) member and European Rugby Association (FIRA-AER) President Octavian Morariu has urged all sides in the ongoing Heineken Cup dispute to put the interests of players first above anything else.