Gary Anderson

Recent articles by Gary

Exclusive: Porter withdraws from WBSC Presidential race in last minute decision

By Gary Anderson at the Hotel Diar Lamedina in Hammamet

Don Porter has pulled out of the WBSC Presidential elections ©Getty Images In a dramatic twist here on the eve of the first-ever World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) Congress, Presidential candidate Don Porter has decided to pull out of tomorrow's election, leaving the way clear for Italian Riccardo Fraccari to be elected unopposed as the organisation's first sole head

Paralympic legacy forum held at IPC headquarters in Bonn

By Gary Anderson

The legacy and impact of hosting Paralympic Games was the main topic at a special gathering at IPC headquarters in Bonn ©IPCThe impact and legacy of Paralympic Games was the main focus of a specially convened forum held in Bonn and organised by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) in cooperation with the University of British Columbia Centre for Sport and Sustainability.