Marcos Menocal Pareja Marcos Menocal

Recent articles by Marcos

The UCI considers changing the schedule of spring classics to autumn

The UCI considers changing the schedule of spring classics to autumn

The cycling calendar it may undergo a tremendous change in dates. Two of the most important northern classics, the Tour of Flanders and Paris-Roubaix, could go from being held for almost a century in April, to October. This option was announced by the President of the International Cycling Union (UCI), David Lappartient, in 'DirectVelo'.

Vasily Shestakov: "Practice sambo"

Vasily Shestakov: "Practice sambo"

Vasily Shestakov, president of FIAS, was pleased during the International Sambo Day. "It is a pride and joy to see that our beloved sport is turning 85." The president stated that "in 1938, our founding fathers created this sport," and since then, its practice and development have been growing, multiplying, and becoming international.